More About the Author "SAP64"

Author Nick: SAP64

Articles by SAP64 :

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Mini in size but not in output

When you say the word mini, it conjures up an image of something small that may not be up to much. Nothing could be further from the truth with the modern Mini light bars for emergency vehicles. There is a saying in some quarters that says ‘size isn’t everything’, now that could have been said […]

Light dash sounds like you are off somewhere in a hurry

Light dash units are a relatively new concept in the emergency lighting world. However they are becoming popular for many reasons. Long gone are the days where all an emergency vehicle had was a siren and a single rotating strobe light. In today’s world, emergency vehicles need so much more to make them visible and […]

Compact, powerful and packing a punch, step forward the Mini LED Lightbar.

Emergency vehicle lighting can make the difference between being a crime statistic or a near miss. Lightbars and other lighting can help save lives. Anything that gives first responders the upper hand has to be essential kit and a Mini LED lightbar can give them the edge they need. Lighting on any emergency vehicles warns […]

Light bars – not something you would consume on a diet

Light bars could mean several things. They could indeed be some diet breakfast bars. They could also be bars used in a gym that are light in weight. Of course, the lights I’m talking about are those you will see on vehicles. Large, small, medium or minute, LED, halogen or strobe, these are all the […]

LED warning light – keeping us informed and aware on the road

We hear sirens sometimes before we see the flashing LED warning light of an emergency vehicle. Without the audible and visible warnings, the emergency vehicles will have difficulty passing through heavy traffic. Any flashing LED warning light you see in your rear view mirror whilst on the highway can mean only one thing, an emergency […]