More About the Author "SarahLeaRhodes"

Author Nick: SarahLeaRhodes

Articles by SarahLeaRhodes :

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Are Yeast Infections Contagious? Discover the Truth Before It Is Too Late

Are yeast infections contagious? This question is asked frequently and for good reason. If you have suffered from a yeast infection you know how painful it can be. You would never want to pass it to your spouse, partner, or child and cause them to experience the same pain. Likewise, anyone who has watched a […]

Yeast Infection On The Breast – Is It Serious?

Yeast infection on the breast is a common problem for many women. Infections on and under the breast can be both painful and embarrassing. When we talk about yeast infections most people think first about the vaginal area but, in fact, these infections can occur anywhere on the body. Warm and moist areas are the […]

Be Candida Free – 10 Things You Must Avoid

Want to be Candida free? Actually, Candida yeast is good for you. I know that sounds strange because most of the time when we discuss Candida we are discussing the pain and discomfort if a yeast infection. Many people are surprised to learn that having a small amount of Candida yeast in our bodies is […]

Intestinal Yeast Infection – 10 Things You Need To Know

Intestinal yeast infection is a very misunderstood health problem. Most doctors and other health professionals tend to think of a yeast infection as just a minor problem that women get from time-to-time. They identify the infection with its outward symptoms such as itching, rash, and burning. These doctors are ignorant to the fact that a […]

Femstat and Butoconazole are Dangerous Yeast Infection Drugs

It is believed that over 50% of women suffer from yeast infections at some time in their lives. Many of these women suffer from this painful problem at least once a month and, unfortunately, some women have yeast infections that never seem to go away. If you suffer from yeast infections you have probably discovered […]