More About the Author "ScottieBest"

Author Nick: ScottieBest

Articles by ScottieBest :

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Small Business Phone Systems: How to Find the Right Telephone System for Your Small Business

One of the most important tools every office should have is a phone system. In order to find the right small office phone system, it may take some research to learn which system providers are a perfect fit for a company’s telecommunication needs. If there is no telephony expert in the company, it may take […]

Public Relations: What’s the best PR management software?

Choosing the right Public Relations software solution for a company is an important consideration with so many different types of media to monitor and a cohesive digital voice to maintain. In PR, there has always been high focus on maintaining quality media databases and monitoring tools to increase the efficiencies of staff and work closely […]

How to Buy a HUD Home in Arizona

In today’s housing market, HUD homes in Arizona are becoming a larger part of real estate sales. Because there are so many individuals seeking ownership opportunities due to foreclosures, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, offers programs that open up rental and home ownership opportunities to a wide range of households. […]

Social Marketing: Top Five Tips for Videos

The possibilities of social marketing, in this day and age, are limitless. With a wide range of fresh, all-encompassing capabilities, social media is being used in a number of unique and creative ways. In the last ten years, we’ve witnessed memorable videos pop up in company blogs, TV commercials and social media sites all with […]

Longhorn Beef vs Typical Beef – Selecting The Healthy Choice

Feeding toddlers junk food leads to lower IQs and obesity. Conversely, when you feed toddlers lean/healthy foods, it increases their IQs and they tend to be slender. This is according to a U.K. Study published in February ’11. Lead researcher Kate Northstone, of the University of Bristol, said a nutritious diet could produce a reasonable […]