More About the Author "SpiritVoyage"

Author Nick: SpiritVoyage
Name: Ramdesh Kaur
About the Author: The author writes for which is spreading the mantra of yoga music and meditation music around the world. The company is engaged in healing arts and yoga practices like Kundalini Yoga .

Articles by SpiritVoyage :

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Top 5 Yoga DVDs by Shiva Rea

Shiva Rea is one of the top Vinyasa teachers in the world and one yoga DVD class with her and you’ll see why!  These top 5 yoga dvds by Shiva Rea will have you saluting the sun and your Self. 1) Flow Yoga for Beginners There’s no place like the beginning to start!  This video […]

Mantra for Overcoming Adversity: Sa Re Sa Sa

Challenges are a part of life.  Struggles help us to become stronger and solidify our focus and resolve.  It can become overwhelming though, when it feels like all of life’s problems are heaped onto you at once.  That’s when mantra can help.  By chanting a mantra you allow yourself refuge into a sacred space where […]

Mantra for Letting Go: Ardas Bhaee

Even now, in this moment, is it hard to let these words go.  When words hit the page, the author is revealed.  You can see the inner working of my mind in an intimate way. I cannot pull them back once they are out there.  It’s not quite the fear that they won’t be good […]

Mantra for Finding Happiness and Peace Within

Need some extra happiness, a little inner peace?  Who doesn’t? Ask yourself today how happy you are…if you aren’t groovin’ and movin’ with a smile on your face, then you could stand to do this little mantra meditation to find happiness and peace within. Sit in Easy Pose (cross-legged) with a straight spine.  Start by […]