More About the Author "StanleyMcMaster"

Author Nick: StanleyMcMaster
Name: Stanley McMaster
About the Author: If Divorce had been an educational experience, I might have acquired Doctorate of Divorce at this stage.

Articles by StanleyMcMaster :

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Cook County Divorce Court Gives Coal For Christmas.

This will be another Un-Merry Christmas for one of Cook County Illinois’ litigants. No, not Rod Blagojevich but Douglas McKalip. For more than 6 years Douglas has been involved in what has been described as the “divorce from hell”. He has been involved in 7 separate legal actions brought about by his divorce and has […]

So Why Do Parents Hurt Their Own Kids In Divorce?

I believe in love and long term relationships. I think that monogamous marriage as a social arrangement and a way to structure a family is truly a good thing. I think children should have a father and a mother living in a home together for their entire childhood. Although I recognize that this is not […]