More About the Author "StianGird"

Author Nick: StianGird
Name: Stian Gird
About the Author: I'm a writer who tries to expand his knowlefge by sharing information with the internet community. may the force be with you!

Articles by StianGird :

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Evaluating a keyboard

Evaluate Electronic Keyboard Features From producing a background beat with the touch of a button to creating your own multi-instrumental melodies, electronic keyboards are designe with characteristics that give you the possibility to do almost anything you’ve ever desired to do . Explore electronic keyboard sounds and acoustic. Electronic keyboards are equipped with a vast […]

Electronic Keyboards: a buying guide

Choose an Electronic Keyboard The Electronic keyboards give youthe perfect method to explore your music and learn to play an instrument. Different types of electronic keyboards work best for different players. Popular keyboards include everything from Yamaha products, Roland high quality products, and Korg keyboards. There are also other famous names such as Rhodes, Kurzweil, […]

How to choose you bass guitar

There is a good amount of factors that could characterize the acoustic properties of wood. In addition, woods used for bass guitars respond in different ways in the hands of different musicians. Electric Bass Guitars could also have different charatcteristics when used in different types of bass guitars, even the ones manufactured by the same […]

Electric Guitar

The electric guitar is a musical instrument with an important history. Nowadays, it celebrated its 80th birthday. The prestigious brand Gibson made the first rock guitars. During the years, Gibson’s instrumentshave completely revolutionized the history of jazz and rock’n’rol. Talking about some of the most famous men in history music, certainly we should mention : […]