More About the Author "Sundaram"

Author Nick: Sundaram
Name: Sundaram C M
About the Author: Vice President-Operations

Articles by Sundaram :

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Significance of skills of communication

Communication skills do not mean speaking styles. A lot of connotations are meant by communication – the way of our response to another person, body mannerisms and manners – all which convey an idea. Communication is not confined only to our work place. It spreads to many areas. For instance, management, administration, business, relationships, etc. […]

Effective team management – how it is done in a team

To achieve success is a project all the members of the team have to think alike in vision. To develop a mindset to work together cannot be automatic. Such an idea has to grow from within. And evolve in its own way. Executive management has to propel such a thought-process in the interests of the […]

Tips To Followed For A Healthy Career Growth

As a result, our career options get stinted with a few alternatives. Once we get into the groove, we stop exploring new avenues for the career growth. Lets us not forget that continuous efforts to modernize our thought-patterns only will bring rich dividends. Addition of new inputs: An efficient worker is not one who completes […]

Using Social Media To Help You In Your Job Search In 2012

There used to be a time when finding a job was considered difficult as contacts were highly important. It was more a matter of who you know rather than what you know. However, times have changed and finding a job has become comparatively easier these days. With the advent of the Internet, things have come […]

Career Planning For High School Students

Students these days are being given sound advice on career planning and development in their high school classes itself. Such a step is taken so as to ensure that the students get geared up well when they enter college. A student who applies for college will be ready to pass the pass the pre-assessment testing. […]
