More About the Author "TongueUclers7023"

Author Nick: TongueUclers7023
Name: Tongue Uclers7023
About the Author: The bothersome tongue ulcers can really kill your hunger and prevent you from having the tasty spicy food on the menu. Generally, the tongue ulcers have some underlying cause and they do not sprout up without any reason. Basically, these tongue ulcers are open sores or cuts on the tongue and they can be painful while eating or having hot or cold fluids.

Articles by TongueUclers7023 :

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Secrets to a Healthy Tongue – Where Do Canker Sores Come From?

Who gets them? Canker sores are one of the most common oral conditions. Anyone can get canker sore, but they are more common in women, teens and twenties. If the parents have canker sores you’re more likely to suffer from them. Similarly, female sex hormones appear to play an important role to cause canker sores. […]