More About the Author "TonyMcGuiagano"

Author Nick: TonyMcGuiagano

Articles by TonyMcGuiagano :

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Eye Exercises That You Can Use To Improve Your Vision

1) Splashing One of the first things you can do right after you wake up in the morning and right before you go to bed at night is splash your eyes with lukewarm, room-temperature water. This will help clear the eyes out of any debris or foreign matter that is making your vision blurry. 2) […]

Can You Really Improve Your Vision By Doing Eye Exercises?

Recently, I’ve been telling all of my friends about how a person can use eye exercises to improve vision. Some believe it can work, and others are just skeptics. Well the other day, one of my skeptical friends decided to do his own research in finding whether or not a vision improvement routine can clear […]

Eye Exercises For Blurry Vision

Your vision is an invaluable tool that you use all day, everyday: From moving around the house, to driving, to playing sports, to reading, to writing, to watching TV, to working a job, to cooking, to cleaning, etc. This list goes on an on. An entire book could probably be written about all the things […]

Some Common Questions About Eye Exercises

Why not just wear glasses or contacts or get laser eye surgery? That’s a great question that most people don’t know the answer to. First of all, glasses and contacts cost a ton of money. If you have glasses now, and are not doing anything to solve your blurry vision problem, you are going to […]

How Do Eye Exercises Work To Improve Vision?

One of the main reasons people don’t do eye exercises is because they don’t understand how they work to improve your vision. Your eyes are muscles just like any other muscle in your body. Therefore, they need adequate exercise. By performing eye exercises to improve vision, you can keep your eyes in good healthy shape […]