More About the Author "WebmasterOSAFour"

Author Nick: WebmasterOSAFour
Name: Ravi Jain
About the Author: I am an OSA Team Member.

Articles by WebmasterOSAFour :

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Education Helps to Get Exposure to better opportunities

The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge, dissemination of truth and to get better opportunities. Many educational experts claim that teaching facts and academic skills is important for achieving goals. The schools must first change attitudes or provide fostering atmosphere to set up equal opportunity and social impartiality. Schools also train children for […]

No Need to Be Present For Making Queries about Schools

Right to education Right to education Is a right to live, Without education we spontaneously get A right to die, Not physically but morally, Illiteracy is our moral death, For being illiterate we can’t even talk life, Education is a soul rests In the body of human being, So without education, We are only human […]

The Need of Counselors in School

We think childhood days are the best days in a human being’s life. Though, to some extent it is true because they are free from all the worries of the world. However, a very few of us understand that even they experience depression as well. Now, we will wonder why they are depressed when they […]

Should There Be Any Age Bar For Nursery Admission?

A game is the foundation for future success in the school. Kids learn best through the play way method of teaching. Play-based environments inculcate social and emotional development within the children which helps children do extremely well academically, converse effectively with teachers, peers and develop problem-solving skills. The important thing in school is to keep […]

Teaching Money Management Skills To Your Child

Sneha and her piggy bank is the centre of attraction in our house.  Sneha is my 10 year old niece who loves her piggy bank more than anything else. It’s a treasure for her that she never wants to lose. Every time her parents or family members give her money for buying some goods, she […]