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Author Nick: abreu.michelle79

Articles by abreu.michelle79 :

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Different Ways to Use Postcards

Ever since John Charlton patented the first postcard in 1980, postcards have surely gone a lot of innovation. If in the past people simply look at post cards as a way to keep in touch with their friends and relatives, today these cards have found their place in the exclusive world of the business industry. […]

How to Produce Budget-Friendly Postcards

As a small business owner, it’s likely that you don’t have a lot of marketing dollars to come up with elaborate and complex marketing materials. Surely, you can’t afford to compete with big businesses that can come up with expensive ads. But you shouldn’t fret. There are still plenty of ways to come up with […]

The Innovative and Funky Postcards

Running a business would be so much easier if you only know where exactly your customers are. Unfortunately, you don’t know where your customers hang out most of the time. This makes it crucial to draw up a plan to stay on track of your marketing campaign. There are actually a lot of ways you […]

Pump Up Marketing Efforts with Mesmerizing Flyers

When it comes to marketing materials, the first thing you would think about is the Internet. You would likely do email, social media, and even Google ads. This puts the old and low tech means of marketing at the side line. After all, most customers today would go for modern means of marketing so why […]

4 Tips to Carry out a Winning Flyer Marketing Campaign

With limited funds, businesses are tight on their hands with the type of marketing campaign they can do in their business. Add to that the onset of the economic crisis and they are walking on a tightrope. This makes it important to come up with an effective marketing strategy that won’t take up so much […]