More About the Author "abreu.michelle79"

Author Nick: abreu.michelle79

Articles by abreu.michelle79 :

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Simple Ways to Outperform Rivals With Your Calendars

So you have a couple of rivals with your custom calendars? Well besides following the advice of that calendar printer, let me tell you about a few simple ways that should help you outperform your rivals easily. Just follow all the special tips and practices for calendars below. These should help you shape and develop […]

Some Crucial Preparation Pointers for Your Catalog Printing

Preparing for catalog printing is not something you should take lightly. To match the quality and vibrancy of the catalog samples you see every day, you must be thorough with your preparations for catalog printing. In this guide we will go through the crucial preparation pointers that you need to know for printing catalogs. It […]

Planning your Catalog Deployment Strategies Properly

The deployment strategy for 8.5×5.5 catalogs is a lot similar to the strategies for most other catalog templates out there. The only real difference here is that with these smaller 8.5×5.5 catalogs, you have the opportunity to deploy to a lot more locations and make use of a lot more different methods in distribution. Let […]

Key Important Preparations for Poster Printing

Before poster printing can really begin, a few key important preparation steps must be done. Indeed, even with poster templates, you must plan out exactly how you will print your color posters properly. You should not just go headlong in this of course, that is why it is important for you know the key important […]

How to Properly Plan Your Poster Designs

A design for poster printing is not as much drawn as it is planned. Before you hand out your actual drafts to the poster printer, those designs must be particularly primed for success and efficiency in marketing. If you have not really planned out your designs for poster printing yet, then you might be interested […]