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Author Nick: abreu.michelle79

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Greater Customer Retention Through Holiday Greeting Cards

In this day and age when email and text messaging are major parts of our everyday communication, old school holiday greeting cards still provide a personal touch to any business’ holiday marketing efforts. Indeed, sending greeting cards is a great way to build and maintain business relationships during the holiday season, which could have a […]

Tips To Consider Before Sending Holiday Greeting Cards

The holiday season is the perfect time to reconnect with your customers in a less business-like and formal manner. In the spirit of the season, why not communicate with your current and prospective customers using holiday greeting cards? It wouldn’t hurt to start this annual tradition now, in fact, it could even bring back greater […]

Standing out with Well-Designed Catalog Cover

Often, standing out from the crowd means providing more than good products and providing great bargains; it also means creating stand out marketing materials. Because these materials will be the first thing people will come in contact with, it is crucial that they are designed well. From the design to the message, everything has to […]

Creating Catalogs the Right Way: Printing Mistakes to Avoid

Every business owner would want to make the most out of their printed catalogs, but in their pursuit to the best catalog the result is a disaster. Instead of grabbing people’s attention, they scare them away. It’s important to understand that in catalog printing there’s a thin line between a good and bad material. One […]

How to Revamp your Marketing Materials

Wondering why your marketing materials are not giving you the result that you expect? It’s time you revisit your marketing campaign to know what you are doing wrong and how you can fit it. You need to take out your materials and see what changes you can do. Don’t worry of the cost of reprinting […]