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Author Nick: abreu.michelle79

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Making Use of Folded Business Cards

Have you seen the modern design of business cards these days? We have the magnetic cards, plastic cards, or those that have magnetic edges, where the card is closed the layers are sealed. These are the folded business cards. These types of card basically have multiple pages, which allow you to put more details in […]

The Basics to Creating a Business Card

When you are in business, it is important that you have a business card. Perhaps, you’ve received a handful of cards already and haven’t paid attention to them before. It’s time you pay attention to the cards before in order to create your own exceptional business cards. If you value your business and your image, […]

Easy Steps to Design Unique and Professional Business Cards

If there is one thing permanent in business, that would be change. Products and services are constantly added, offices change locations, and new promotions are created. But are your business cards keeping up with these changes? Remember that there will be a lot of changes you will experience in the business industry, and it helps […]

Produce Business Cards that are More than what Meets the Eye

Business cards are the one promotional tool that your business must have. Not only is it a staple in the professional world, but also the most effective and affordable tool for your business. You can order a thousand cards for just a few dollars. Networking with your business cards is actually an effective way to […]

Produce Marketing Materials that Lasts for Decades

In the past, creating marketing materials is time-consuming and costly. But today, with the introduction of the internet and remarkable equipment, even small businesses can target a wide market. Advances in technology have created a new market, one which has a wide selection of tools. These tools allow businesses to reach out to customers like […]