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Author Nick: abreu.michelle79

Articles by abreu.michelle79 :

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Simple Steps to Producing Compelling Business Cards

What good is a sophisticated and trendy business if it is not well marketed? People won’t simply notice a business if they don’t know what benefits they will get out of the products and services offered. So, if you are thinking of starting your own business today, remember to focus on your marketing strategy. Nothing […]

Business Card Printing: Beyond the Basics

No matter what your profession is, you can benefit a lot from doing a little networking in your life and your business. Using people and networking is how many business owners become rich and successful. So, why not take advantage of networking to bring your own business to success. One good strategy to use in […]

Unique and Eco-friendly Business Card Ideas

It has been repeatedly said that in order to have a successful business, you need to incorporate a good marketing strategy. True enough, many business owners have followed this idea. They used every possible strategy, from emails and Facebook to post cards and brochures, but still many businesses are unable to reach the success they […]

Edible and Sweet Business Cards to Get the Word Out There

Once you have determined the promotional strategy you will utilize and the size of your budget, your next move is to select the best marketing tool to use. The right tool will effectively promote your products and services and encourage your prospects to buy from you instead of your competitors. Some types of promotional tool […]

Innovative Business Cards that Create Good Branding

Marketing a business can be remarkably tough in today’s cluttered world of emails, Facebook, Google ads, and other forms of social media marketing. With more and more people getting Internet savvy these days, it seems that marketing is all about the online world. But unknown to many, printed marketing is still one of the most […]