More About the Author "abreu.michelle79"

Author Nick: abreu.michelle79

Articles by abreu.michelle79 :

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Details Make Customers Coming Back

I had this boss who came from the military. Although he has retired from the service, of course, he brought with him some of the things that he had been practicing. One of these was his penchant for details. He would often remind everyone that ‘the devil is in the detail.’ At first we abhorred […]

How to Make Customers Act

One of the things that your marketing collateral like brochure printing should have is a call to action. While it may sound obvious that what you want your customers to do is to purchase the product or avail the services, the message may not be clear at all to your intended prospects. If you have […]

Business Card Holders – A Chic of Keeping Your Business Cards

All businessmen nowadays have a business card. Business cards are the very first tool that a businessman can use to market his company. It is the fastest way of giving out and exchanging contact information. The business card as a potent marketing tool has gained more popularity through the years. At present, business cards are […]

Why You Should Go For Online Business Card Printing

A lot of people are still uncertain about getting their materials printed through the internet, specifically their business cards. Online printing is still an ambiguous concept for some. Probably because they feel the lack of control when it comes to the production of the material. Also, some feel that this type of printing entails higher […]

Why Go for Flyer Campaign

If you want a marketing tool that will suit your budget and especially your business, consider the marketing power of flyers. A flyer, also called a circular, handbill, or leaflet, is a single sheet of paper that is especially created and manufactured for advertising purpose. A flyer is mostly utilized by businessmen in promoting their […]