More About the Author "adam70"

Author Nick: adam70
Name: Garvit Halwasiya
About the Author: hello.

Articles by adam70 :

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The journey from romantic couples to perfect couples

You might have always wanted to be amongst the lot of happy couples. But due to some unexpected reasons your chemistry with your partner is not working. Sometimes you find that the past was good, your partner or your hubby or your girlfriend used to understand even a minute issue that annoyed you but now […]

Love Games leading to Happy Marriages

Life has become very demanding now days. The moment your grip over life becomes loose at that very moment it becomes cumbersome. You need to perform cent percent to maintain the aura of happiness around you. Moreover there has to be a balance between your professional life and personal life after all it is your […]

Relationship tests to handle your conflicts

What is Love?               Love is a light that may get dim due to some unwanted reasons for sometime but will never get extinguished. This is the definition which came instantly to my mind. When you love someone then you don’t put your beloved under any emotional cage. He roams freely. You are assured wherever he […]