More About the Author "Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young"

Author Nick: Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young
Name: Adam Benedetto
About the Author: Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young are both dedicated to enabling others to reach their full potential in life by helping them release what is holding them back so that they can become their true selves. Through years of experience and development, both have sought out the answers we all need to find peace, understand ourselves, and reach enlightenment. Open up to the peace and truth you will find when you finally see yourself, your true self. Find yourself, learn how to become one with your destiny, and truly be in the moment at Answers in Writing.

Articles by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young :

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Confidence and Believing In Yourself

A lack of confidence is caused by the idea that we need something more to be who we are. Yet we already are everything we are meant to be. The lack of confidence comes from not believing this.  It is seeing yourself through clouded eyes and not believing in your potential as it already is.  […]

Problems Sleeping Due To Stress And Worry

When you wake up in the morning do you feel rested, awake, and ready to start the day or are you like most people, plagued with restless nights and fitful sleep? Sleep patterns have a lot to do with stress in our lives.  What we live through and are worried about will often carry over […]

Becoming One With Everything

Releasing the idea of trying to be something else, something more, and allowing yourself to become one with all that exists is a true possibility for you. It does have to do with believing enough in yourself, that who you are in this moment is enough without reaching any further.  It is believing you are […]

Being In The Moment

Being in the moment is about releasing everything, the purpose of this being that you then exist with nothing pulling at you. Therefore, there is openness, a clear space to be with no ulterior distractions.  No pull forward or backward, but simply being present with where you are.  There are many levels to this and […]

Open Up To Your True Self And Destiny

Each of us is meant for something in our lives.  We have a purpose, a destiny, and a calling. We each have a plan laid out for us, a true purpose that is part of us.  Many may never find this or feel it, never knowing their destiny or calling.  It is there, everywhere around […]