More About the Author "Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young"
Author Nick: Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young
Name: Adam Benedetto
About the Author: Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young are both dedicated to enabling others to reach their full potential in life by helping them release what is holding them back so that they can become their true selves. Through years of experience and development, both have sought out the answers we all need to find peace, understand ourselves, and reach enlightenment.
Open up to the peace and truth you will find when you finally see yourself, your true self. Find yourself, learn how to become one with your destiny, and truly be in the moment at Answers in Writing.
Articles by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young :
03.07.11 | Comments Off on Guiding Your Child
When we are raising our children we are guiding them through life, giving them advice and teaching them what they need to know. Children follow by example; they watch and listen to everything we do. What habits we have in ourselves can follow them in their lives. How we look at the world can also […]
03.07.11 | Comments Off on Dealing With The Loss Of A Loved One
When we lose someone close to our heart we let go of a part of ourselves. In order to deal with heartache and loss we close ourselves off. By protecting ourselves at a time of deep grief and sadness we seek solace by not being present. How can one process something so big, so hurtful? […]
03.07.11 | Comments Off on The Message Behind Recurring Dreams
When we fall asleep we release tension, we relax and our mind slips away. We slide into another state, that of dreams and often of a very personal message to ourselves. When we look at dreams, especially recurring ones, we can see a theme. But what does it mean and how does it truly relate […]
03.07.11 | Comments Off on The Source of Addiction
Addiction comes from a place of wanting, of needing something to fulfill and replace part of one’s life. It can be seen as an escape, but the real need is much more. What is missing that needs to be replaced? What part of life is empty and aching for fulfillment? It is a place that […]
03.06.11 | Comments Off on True Self and Your Destiny
We often go through life feeling like we are floating along, waiting for something real to happen and show us who we are and what we are meant for. But what happens when time keeps going by? Are you meant to be satisfied with your existence even if you still feel like you are waiting? […]