More About the Author "Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young"

Author Nick: Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young
Name: Adam Benedetto
About the Author: Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young are both dedicated to enabling others to reach their full potential in life by helping them release what is holding them back so that they can become their true selves. Through years of experience and development, both have sought out the answers we all need to find peace, understand ourselves, and reach enlightenment. Open up to the peace and truth you will find when you finally see yourself, your true self. Find yourself, learn how to become one with your destiny, and truly be in the moment at Answers in Writing.

Articles by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young :

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How To Let Go Of Grief

When we are faced with the moment of losing something, whether it be a job, loved one, or a way of being, it can act as a catalyst of reversion. Leading us on a path away from ourselves. It is almost as if in order to deal with it we must lose ourselves as well. […]

Seeing Past Fear Into Reality

Whether you realize it or not, a lot of our actions and reactions are based upon fear. For we believe what has happened will happen again. We let our imaginations run wild with the possibilities, whether harmful or not. We see the world through eyes connected to our past, for we can not imagine a […]

Experiencing Personal Growth By Being Your True Self

There are many ways to seek the ability to become who we are. There are many paths we can use to alter ourselves to become better. But if we come from a place of changing what is on the outside, we will never find peace nor come to the conclusion we were hoping for. True […]

Empowerment and Your True Self

Empowerment comes from a place of being present in one’s self, of acting from a place that is solely a journey of personal truth. To become one’s self more so is really to be who you are. Not to act differently to suit the moment, but to come fully into who you are. To be […]

Enlightenment and Happiness

The true path to happiness in life comes from not only knowing one’s self, but seeing clearly all that is around us. We can perceive things as they are in relation to how we feel, how we think, and how we act. To reach a state of pure enjoyment, that flowing feeling of being connected, […]