More About the Author "Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young"

Author Nick: Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young
Name: Adam Benedetto
About the Author: Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young are both dedicated to enabling others to reach their full potential in life by helping them release what is holding them back so that they can become their true selves. Through years of experience and development, both have sought out the answers we all need to find peace, understand ourselves, and reach enlightenment. Open up to the peace and truth you will find when you finally see yourself, your true self. Find yourself, learn how to become one with your destiny, and truly be in the moment at Answers in Writing.

Articles by Adam Benedetto and Zoe Young :

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Letting Go Of The Past And Future To Be In The Moment

Seeing the moment for what it is, is important for how we relate to it. Without construing false pretenses or imagining outcomes, we let the moment be just as it is without further interpretation.  To let the moment exist how it is, to be present with it, allows us to not only fully experience it, […]

Understanding Yourself Beyond Enlightenment

So you try to do all the right things in life; you try to be present and engaged, relating to the moment, seeking truth, and yet you still feel lost and drawn away from reality. How do you stay centered even when you try?  There can be many things that unbalance us and keep us […]

Changing Your Path In Life

Understanding your path in life is more about finding out who you are than being who you think you should be. We often go through life living a blueprint of our lives.  Following plans laid down ages ago, acting out a future to please others or even ourselves.  We choose not to let go of […]

Understanding Your Past

When we go through life, we sometimes choose to not let go of our past, our fears, our choices, and our behaviors. We don’t live as who we have become, but instead live our life from the past.  We manage to portray ourselves in a way that is simply repeating our old behaviors, our way […]

Losing Yourself In A Relationship

Losing yourself in a relationship is a common occurrence. It happens when we forgo our own happiness for that of another, when we give up on our self so that the relationship stays as how we think it should.  We give our identity over to the combined effort of keeping the relationship in stasis.  When […]