More About the Author "adamjsp74"

Author Nick: adamjsp74
Name: adam Joseph
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Philippines to fly home citizens near Japan plant

The Philippine government said Tuesday it would fly home more than 2,000 of its citizens after Japan widened the exclusion zone around a quake-damaged nuclear plant amid fears of radiation. Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario said the priority would be Filipinos living within 50 kilometers (31 miles) of the Fukushima plant, for whom evacuation would […]

Philippine school creates arts ambassadors

Tucked in the mist-covered slopes of Mount Makiling, the Philippines’ premier public school for the arts is busy molding the country’s future cultural ambassadors. The gifted scholars embark on a rigorous 12-hour daily routine of academic study, music, dance, theatre, visual arts and creative writing at the state-funded Philippine High School for the Arts. Surrounded […]

Clergy sex allegations soar in the US

Allegations of sexual abuse involving the Roman Catholic clergy in the United States rose sharply last year to nearly 700 from around 400 in 2009, according to a church report Monday. The vast majority of the allegations, 653, involved alleged abuse that occurred decades ago but whose “victims/survivors are just now finding the courage to […]

Phil Younghusband has met my family – Angel Locsin

Actress Angel Locsin has admitted that Azkals heartthrob Phil Younghusband is making her happy. Locsin also said that she communicates constantly with the popular member of the country’s football team. “He makes me happy ngayon,” responded Locsin to the question if she is praying to God to have Younghusband as her next love. Asked if […]

No verdict yet in Barry Bonds perjury trial

Jurors in Barry Bonds’ perjury and obstruction of justice trial will return for a third day of deliberations Tuesday. The panel failed to reach a verdict on Monday. They listened to a re-reading of the testimony of Kathy Hoskins, Bonds’ childhood friend and later his personal shopper, Monday morning and then returned to the jury […]