More About the Author "adp123"

Author Nick: adp123
Name: Paul Rainer
About the Author: Love the outdoors and working out

Articles by adp123 :

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What Is TacFit Warrior

Basically tacfit warrior is the science of mind/body exercise, considered by many to be the first fitness program that completely integrates mind and body. It is a program that took ten years to put together and to understand just how unique it is you have to come at it from two points of view, first […]

TacFit Warrior A Fitness Program For Mind and Body

TacFitWarrior is more than just a fitness program. This program was developed by Scott Sonnon not to just get people physically fit but mentally fit as well. The object is to make sure your mind and body serve you well in the tensest situations. This program is a body-weight only exercise program that can accommodate […]

Should The Skinny Guy Avoid Working to Failure and Split Routines

Many body builders believe that your muscles must be ‘worked to failure‘ if an adequate hypertrophy response is to happen. Whether this involves one or more sets really doesn’t matter as in either scenario the muscles must be worked to failure. If you are not sure what working to failure is, it simply means to […]

How To Gain Weight And Increase Muscle Mass for the Skinny Guy

If you are looking to increase muscle mass while gaining weight, then you need to be consistent and persistent in your undertaking and follow the right workout routine. Being a skinny guy you will need to increase your calorie intake to a level you might think impossible. But the fact is you need to take […]