More About the Author "ajizasif"

Author Nick: ajizasif
Name: ajiz asif
About the Author: This post is written by Mr. Asif Ajiz, who is President of Society of Education and Community Development,

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Online Term Paper on History of Latinos in America

In what is considered the first comprehensive history of Latinos in America, Harvest of Empire, by Juan Gonzalez, a journalist born in Puerto Rico and raised in New, York City, chronicles each wave of Hispanic immigrants to the United States and explains who they are, why they came here, and how they are changing the […]

Stress on the Family

A large body of evidence shows that lower socioeconomic status groups and certain racial and ethnic minorities experience a disproportionate cumulative burden of stressful life conditions. Greater exposure to difficult life circumstances may set the stage for the expression of individual differences in susceptibility to cardiovascular disease. When faced with psychological stress, some individuals exhibit […]

Essay on Women of 1920 and Their Contributions to Society

This is a man’s world, and it has been taken for granted that most work whether it be physical or intellectual is done, and should be done by men, and that women should only assume the role of child bearer and home maker. This essay will diswcuss the time of 1920’s, which was a significant […]

How to Boast Moral of Employees at Busy Time

What can a company do to protect its most precious asset: its employees? Management needs to nurture, foster, maintain and build morale. There are many ways companies can do this. Although management often likes to think that pay is the most important factor, research shows that morale depends on a variety of factors. The key […]

Term Paper on Critical Thinking and Logic

In looking at how we use language, I notice two very different modes of using words, one exemplified by the scientist, the other by the poet. Scientists use words to describe and explain things while poets use words to evoke and induce feelings. The scientist’s mode is thinking; the poet’s mode is sensing. Where one […]
