More About the Author "Alexandra"

Author Nick: Alexandra
Name: Alexandra Burke
About the Author: Reading, thinking and writing is my passion. I like to write on a variety of topics. I am very much thankful to my colleague Nate Rodnay for guiding me in writing and reach to this stage.

Articles by Alexandra :

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Don’t Let APM Tools Gather Dust

Many Small to medium size enterprises (SME’s) buy the right APM tools but often end up under-utilizing them.  The reasons could be many – examples are lack of trained personnel, lack of awareness of best practices, and the prevailing culture of constantly fighting fires. TT was one such enterprise (in the newspaper industry) that had […]

Features that Differentiate Your Dealership Website from Your Competitors’ Websites

An increase in consumers searching for vehicles online has led to increased competition among auto dealers in designing their digital marketing strategies. Creating and maintaining a quality website is the most important part of any auto dealer’s digital marketing strategy. If you are an auto dealer looking for features that can differentiate your dealership’s website […]

Leveraging Claims Management Reports to Improve Organizational Efficiency

Organizational efficiency has become a front runner in the advancement of technology solutions in the insurance software industry. Having the enhanced tools to see the bigger picture means making better decision, doing business smarter, and in the end improving customer satisfaction. In fact, the data captured in the claim process, which all too often are […]

How Does Listening Help in Learning Spanish?

It is recommended that a learner not limit his focus to grammar and vocabulary if he really intends to master Spanish. Audio drills and various listening exercises should be made an inherent part of the language learning process to ensure a well-rounded Spanish learning course. Listening to Spanish is primary and essential Listening to a […]

Causes of Fuel Pump Failure and Signs to Identify a Failing Fuel Pump

Fuel pump is one of the most important components in a vehicle’s fuel delivery system. If it is doing well, fuel delivery system functions normally. But, once the fuel pump fails, the car engine ceases to run. However, the failure of fuel pump and the inconvenience it causes can be prevented by identifying the early […]