More About the Author "Alexandra"

Author Nick: Alexandra
Name: Alexandra Burke
About the Author: Reading, thinking and writing is my passion. I like to write on a variety of topics. I am very much thankful to my colleague Nate Rodnay for guiding me in writing and reach to this stage.

Articles by Alexandra :

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Benefits of Mobile Website for an Automotive Business

The present period of mobile revolution provides an opportunity for businesses to capitalize on the mobile marketing strategies. According to comScore, nearly 73 million Americans accessed Internet through their smartphones in 2010. The rise of smartphone usage for accessing Internet has made mobile web presence a competitive necessity for every business. When it comes to […]

Ways to Determine If You Have Bad Breath

No one wants to have bad breath; however, if you do have this condition it would be better for you to know it as soon as possible – so you can get the solutions needed to combat bad breath problems. It is important to know if you have bad breath symptoms that may actually be […]

Advantages of Buying Shop Insurance Through an Insurance Broker

Shop insurance policy is a comprehensive package designed specifically according to the individual business requirements. This policy can effectively cover all the risks and contingencies faced by small and medium-sized shop owners. Every business needs a professional assistance while identifying the areas of risk and choosing the policy that best suits their needs. An experienced […]

Why Should Small Businesses Increase Their Online Presence

Owning a website and building an organized Internet marketing strategy is important for small businesses to leverage the opportunity provided by the Internet. A survey by BIA/Kelsey has revealed that more than 95% of the customers use Internet to search for products or services in their local area. Hence, by having an online presence, people […]

Go Green with Electric Infrared Heaters

Our dependence on energy has always had a significant impact on the environment. From mobile phones to space heaters, everything we use today has its effect on the environment. With energy conservation and pollution control being the need of the hour, we need to look for environmental-friendly products. When it comes to space heaters, electric […]