More About the Author "Alexandra"

Author Nick: Alexandra
Name: Alexandra Burke
About the Author: Reading, thinking and writing is my passion. I like to write on a variety of topics. I am very much thankful to my colleague Nate Rodnay for guiding me in writing and reach to this stage.

Articles by Alexandra :

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Visit the Dealership Instead of a Generic Mechanic When It is Time for Repairs

As long as cars have needed repairs, there has always been one question: Should I visit the dealership to repair my car or should I go to another mechanic? There are definitely benefits and drawbacks to both dealership repair centers and smaller mechanics, but when it comes to the livelihood of your vehicle there is […]

Tips to Optimize Your Dealership’s Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social media platforms are now becoming an important avenue for auto dealerships to generate ROI and good-will. According to a report given by Wildfire Interactive in 2011, 88% of marketers agreed that social marketing increases brand awareness, 85% agreed that it will increase engagement and 58% agreed that it will increase sales/partnerships. Social media marketing […]

Benefits of Outsourcing SEO Services to a White Label SEO Service Provider

With increased competition, constantly changing algorithms and search engine rules, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) now requires much higher expertise to handle it. Having realized this fact, many marketing companies like web developers, PR firms, web hosting companies, etc. – all which used to carry out their clients SEO processes (along with their specialized services) by […]

Three Items You Should Always Have in Your Car in Case of an Emergency

Emergencies, by nature, can occur unexpectedly. Whether you are at home or on the road, it is always best to be as prepared as possible for any emergency scenario. It is much easier to be prepared for emergencies that occur at home. Most homes will likely have closet or storage space where emergency supplies can […]

Formulating a Social Media Marketing Strategy for your Car Dealership

As the potency of traditional advertising methods including print advertising and television advertising are called into question a lot more dealerships are embracing digital options for promoting their dealerships. Some of those digital methods include using social media sites. Considering the variety of social media networks on the market it can be easy for dealerships […]