More About the Author "alina"

Author Nick: alina
Name: alina wang
About the Author: alina

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How to change the different units of the digital thermometer

The digital thermometer is a device that is very good to be at home in the medicine cabinet.There are times when the digital thermometer may not read the temperature in the unit you are familiar with. If you live in the United States,but have a thermometer that reads temperature degrees Celsius, and you want to […]

How to use a basal digital thermometer

A regular thermometer is little bit daunting to use as it requires you to keep still for few minutes and moreover it is not perfect in giving readings. A basal digital thermometer is more reliable as it gives you reading by 10th’s of a degree. A basal digital thermometer is more accurate than a simple […]

What are the requirements of the solenoid valve how to use the solenoid valve

In recent years, the instrumentation and control instruments are the impact of digital technology and microprocessor technology changes for all to see, and this part of the actuator, especially as the main products of the solenoid valve, there are also improved by leaps and bounds. The typical automatic control system there are three elements: detection, […]

Often encounter the solenoid valve problem

Solenoid valve may not open due to power outage, and the pressure is uneven, and dirt under the diaphragm, corrosion, or missing components of the file to burn out.In an attempt to diagnose the problem before taking any steps to address the problem. The most important parts that must be evaluated in this process is […]

A compressed air-powered centrifugal movement of the vibrator 70-year-old

A compressed air-powered centrifugal movement of the vibrator 70-year-old, 30 years of extensive application of the cylinder (1), greater trochanter (2), a small rotor (3), the stator (4), blades (5), the left cylinder head (6), the right cylinder head (7), key (8), bolts (9) and nut (10). The present invention, light weight, easy to install, […]