More About the Author "amitsingh"

Author Nick: amitsingh
Name: Amit Singh
About the Author: I am smart

Articles by amitsingh :

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Arbitration Dispute Resolution and IPR Services under One Roof Global Jurix Law Firm

As with the changing economies of the world, business houses have to face many challenging jobs especially those who are dealing in international business. Those business houses usually need law firms services. In case of trademark, patent registration, copyrights & associated rights, registration of intellectual, trade secrets and lots more. To contend with the business […]

Corporate and Commercial Law Firm and Services : Global Jurix Law Firm

In now days there is huge competition in the corporate world where everyone wants to earn more profit as compared to other party or competitors. To be safe from every aspect of company laws these law firms in India and abroad plays an important role in meeting demand of the corporate world. top law firms […]

Trademark Registration, what It Means and Who Need TM Services?

Trademark refers to a distinctive sign or indicator used by an individual, business organization, or other legal entity to assign their identity and rights over the products or services. The trademark could be in the form of a symbol, a sign, a logo design or an image that serves as a marker of differentiation from […]

Top Indian Legal Firms are in Limelight: Global Jurix Law Firm India

India has a vibrant law community with some very fine law firms doing business of great worth. Many law firms India are as good as the leading firms abroad. The law firms in India have been well recognized internationally for their quality based and ethical services. A prominent Delhi-based, very famous and successful firm of […]

What Makes your Sun Sign Astrology Stronger in this coming Year 2012-13

Astrology is an old science through which a person’s future is predicted by studying the positions of the stars. It originated in the third millennium BCE by the ancient civilizations, when people studied the stars and celestial cycles and thought that through their movements the divine energy was speaking to them. Today, too, astrology predictions […]