More About the Author "andolasoft"

Author Nick: andolasoft
Name: andola soft
About the Author: David Richards

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Benefits of Choosing Ruby on Rails over other development frameworks

Over the years, numerous web application frameworks have come into existence. Developers now have multiple options when it comes to choosing the right web app development framework, which would meet their skills and needs. Ruby on Rails on the other hand, is a popular framework among several others. It is because of its benefits that […]

5 Practical Tips for Ruby on Rails Developers

Ruby on Rails or RoR is an open source web app development framework written using Ruby programming language. It has been designed to specifically address agile development approach. It facilitates rapid web app development with re-usability of code. Ruby on Rails framework uses Model View Controller (MVC) development pattern to organize app files. This design […]

Importance of Custom PHP Development in Now-a-Days.

PHP is the open source dynamic language which is widely used in deploying various types of application. As a web development company we are playing with the open source components of PHP to do applications, ecommerce website development, CMS integration and android application development. PHP is too good an open source platform to build any […]

Android application Development using PHP

PHP is the most widely used developing open source language for Web Development which gaining importance in theĀ  web development world because its fast, secure, independent platform and very user-friendly. Custom PHP development creates a unique identification for your business and one PHP developer can build application as per the business requirement. Andolasoft is proficient […]

Ruby on Rails Application Development and Involved Plug-ins

Ruby on Rails has been a hot technology in the Open Source market for quite a few years now and Andolasoft.Inc is one of the best experts available in the world. Apart from being duty free, it has a strong programming community where Rails developers and contributors modify, customize and provide several plug-ins that can […]