More About the Author "ANGELIA"

Author Nick: ANGELIA

Articles by ANGELIA :

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Here is New York

On any person who desires such queer prizes New York will bestow the gift of loneliness and the gift of privacy. It is this largess for the presence within the city’s walls of a considerable section of the population; for the residents of Manhattan are to a large extent strangers who have pulled up stakes […]

Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan

Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan laid forth the intellectual basis for the likely continued aggressive easing in monetary policy in the weeks ahead in his semi-annual monetary policy report to Congress. The broader point in his prepared testimony is that the improved information and production controls evident in the new economy induce companies to […]

Language Performance

Language performance and language acquisition are the two principal concerns of the psychology of language, or to use the more recent term for these studies, psycholinguistics. The much intensified study of psycholinguistics in recent years has produced a considerable amount of literature and some significant advances in our understanding of language acquisition. The same cannot […]

Political Pressures can Effects on the Growth of Knowledge

Some political pressures can have negative effects on the growth of knowledge, while others can have positive effects. Examples of some positive effects of other political movements on science are the roles played by the environmental movements, AIDS activism, the race-based civil rights movement, and, most recently, the nutrition and anti-smoking movements. Attention, also, to […]

What if the Lost Child was very Young?

The announcement in February 1997 of the birth of a sheep named Dolly, an exact genetic replica of its mother, sparked a worldwide debate over the moral and medical implications of doing. Several U.S. states and European countries have banned the cloning of human beings; pet South Korean scientists claimed last month that they had […]