More About the Author "anna520"

Author Nick: anna520
Name: smith lily
About the Author: I'm an optimistic girl.

Articles by anna520 :

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Inventions That Help Us A Lot

In such a fast developed world, we are benefiting from the convenience brought by science and technology. Obviously, many people get surprised each time when facing to a new creation and this feeling may fade away when the creation or invention becomes gradually popular or widely used. With this in mind, what inventions have ever […]

The Top 3 Items Applied Today

What items do you think are highly applied nowadays? Well, if you were asked several decades ago, the answer would possibly be light bulbs, matches, and telegram. While in the modern society nowadays, what kind of inventions or what items could be your answer and be popular used. In my opinion, a few electronic products […]

Thing You Must Have in a Specific Situation

Earthquakes occur more often than we can suffer in these years. The devastating earthquakes happened in China, New Zealand and Japan drive us to be well-prepared anytime to save ourselves. Do you know that almost everyone Japanese has a emergency kit in their room to cope with overwhelming earthquakes and they take part in drills […]

The Top Items That a Family Should Have

What items do you think should a family have in any case? You may say money. Sure, without money we can almost do nothing, anyway, there are items that really help us except money, some of which are even very small. The first item is absolutely battery. Too many electric appliances in your house need […]

Things That Help Us in the Modern World

We human beings are not alone in the world. We help each other in every part of work and life. And the help from some modern tools bring convenience. With the application of USB 2.0, we have benefited much convenience from usb sticks. Employees in different companies load information and data with the help of […]