More About the Author "annakaris31"

Author Nick: annakaris31
Name: Anna karis
About the Author: Want to learn more about LSI technique in regards to SEO? Check out as they are the Australian authoritative voice in the realm of search engine optimization provision of services!

Articles by annakaris31 :

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SEO Tips

SEO is a multifaceted and highly complex process that has lots of aspects to it. To successfully make a website climb the search rankings, a company must look at not only the off-site SEO meaning things like links, but also the on-site SEO meaning the way the site is designed and the way the content […]

Recent Changes to Google

When we call it ‘search engine optimisation’ what it should really be called is ‘Google optimisation’. Very few sites bother with other search engines like Yahoo or Bing, simply because the vast majority of people still use Google. This then means that search engine optimisation is almost entirely dictated by what Google does. If Google […]

How SEO Companies Build Links

If you want to bring lots of people to your site then building links will help in two ways. The first way link building helps you is that it means that lots of people ‘stumble’ across your site who otherwise wouldn’t. They’re looking at another website that is nothing to do with yours, and as […]

Getting Free Content

There are many elements to good SEO, but content is among the most important. Without content visitors would have no reason to come to your site, and search engines would have no text to search leaving them unable to ascertain the nature of your site or to whom it would be relevant. For those reasons […]

Choosing Keywords

Choosing the keywords you use on your website is a very important step in SEO. If you don’t carefully select the keywords you target then you can end up doing a lot of work and spending a lot of time making something that doesn’t end up being of any use. Sure you might rank number […]