More About the Author "annakaris31"

Author Nick: annakaris31
Name: Anna karis
About the Author: Want to learn more about LSI technique in regards to SEO? Check out as they are the Australian authoritative voice in the realm of search engine optimization provision of services!

Articles by annakaris31 :

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Do you know of problems that can appear with certain SEO strategies used?

It is obvious that there are many different benefits that can be obtained when using high quality SEO strategies. The problem is that the quality of SEO strategies might vary from one company to another. There is no such thing as equal services. The truth is that some of the strategies are going to be […]

Using SEO specialists to your advantage!

The internet is filled with SEO tutorials and a lot of information is available on this subject. Unfortunately, most people tend to believe that they are SEO specialists simply by looking at and learning what is written online. It has to be understood that true SEO specialists are not going to be made through the […]

Head2head: Search engine optimization versus PPC advertising

When people are trying to promote their sites and reach a wider audience, they are usually going to choose search engine optimization or PPC advertising. Both of these are really effective but also have disadvantages. It is a choice that will be highly subjective but it needs to be done only after understanding as much […]

What is SEO and why do people use it?

SEO is an acronym that stands for search engine optimization. It can be defined as the series of practices that are done in order to have a web page place higher in search engines according to targeted keywords. This brings in a series of advantages that should be considered by every single web site owner […]

Is W3 Validation A Must for SEO Friendliness?

Many seem to believe and quite wrongly that the W3 validation is closely related to websites that are considered SEO friendly. The following article will debate the causes for this misconception and hopes to shatter the illusion regarding the relationship between the W3 standards and the position websites receive in search engine results pages. Furthermore, […]