More About the Author "antonioechols"

Author Nick: antonioechols

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Keeping your dog calm while bathing

# gather your dog and treats. Clip your rein on the dog and escort him near the washroom. # Step one foot away from the open room for bathing door. acclaim your dog, click (if you clicker train), and treat. rerun lots of treats and acclaim for about two minutes. # Repeat this every day, […]

Dog fence secrets you should know

There are two types of dog fence to decide on from: the visible dog fence and the allow dog fence. Each one has its distinct function. With a visible dog fence, you can control your dog the accustomed way. It is known as the most straightforward way to hold in your dog. The snow fence […]

Keep your dog happy!

In today’s home dog instruction we are going to talk about the roles of strictness, dog rewards, and dog penalty. You must first not confuse regimen with a negative connotation. In fact, proper health development, which means schooling one to act in accordance with rules, brings order to everyone’s life, including your dog. Home dog […]