More About the Author "aponi325"

Author Nick: aponi325
Name: Aponi Laquetta
About the Author: Pest control is for every homeowner or business owner and not just a service that is used when there is an infestation of rodents or pests, but also, to maintain the property to properly protect it so that infestations do not occur.

Articles by aponi325 :

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How to identify a gopher problem and what to do about it

Gophers, which are also known as pocket gophers, are rodent that burrow into and through the ground. These pests are very good at tunneling underground and will leave mounds of dirt as they excavate their way through their tunnels. In many cases, the actual hole that they use to enter and exit will be plugged, […]

Rats cause thousands of fires each year, will your home be next?

There are any number of pests that can invade a home or business, but few are as troublesome, unsightly, and unhealthy as rats. These particular pests cause massive amounts of damage to homes and businesses every year, and are also known to be a major cause of fires when they gnaw into electrical wiring, which […]