More About the Author "ArchyTailor"

Author Nick: ArchyTailor
Name: Archy Tailor
About the Author: Archy is a full time writer. But more than that, he is passionate about setting goals and achieving them. He is action-oriented and has a strong work ethic. He enjoys reading, writing, socializing, meeting people, and traveling. He is also fond of good Hollywood movies.

Articles by ArchyTailor :

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Alcachofa and It’s Healing Properties for Digestion and Weight Management

One fun fact is that artichoke has one of the highest amounts of antioxidants for vegetables? That’s one of the many reason’s why researchers have been researching artichoke extract. It’s because of the studies that artichoke extract is being used today for many things, such as lowering cholesterol levels and treatment for stomach problems. Artichoke […]