More About the Author "arnold"

Author Nick: arnold
Name: lance bachmann
About the Author: lance bachmann

Articles by arnold :

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Fireproof File Cabinets

No business wants to lose its important documents due to fire. All the documents in an office are equally important, therefore an office should make arrangements to save each document from fire, water or any other natural disaster. If any documents are misplaced or damaged then the business has to suffer losses. Each document in […]

Used Conference Tables

Any business can now give its conference room a beautiful and gleaming look with used conference tables. Conference tables speak volumes of the professionalism of a business. Conference tables have played a major role in the business world. Various deals have been made on them as well as major contracts have been signed on them. […]

File Cabinets

File cabinets have been one of the favorite choices for offices when it comes to storage. Metal and wood file cabinets have been around for many years. File cabinets are built to last a long time and are perfectly designed to suit any office space. While selecting a file cabinet one should know the right […]

Discount Office Cubicle

While every office would want to decorate its interiors with the latest in office furniture as well as office cubicles, it is not always possible to get what one wants especially given financial constraints. Every office aspires that its interiors should reflect a picture of professionalism and organization. However, it is not necessary to spend […]


A cubicle, or a cubicle desk or for any matter office cubicle is nothing but a partially enclosed space quite common in the corporate and other old economy office set-ups. The cubicle is isolated from the adjoining workspaces and other enclosures through the partitions, averaging in height around 5–6 feet (1.5–1.8 m). Usually, senior staff […]