More About the Author "artfulgarden"

Author Nick: artfulgarden
Name: Christine Floreno
About the Author: I am a writer online.

Articles by artfulgarden :

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Hanging Baskets – Valuable Innovation in Planter Industry

As you go along the pathways or highways with colorful flowers, you will surely look back with awe and realize that flowers are indeed among the wonderful creations in the world. It gives a sense of satisfaction that could help soothe and relax the anxiety within. This is the rationale behind the existence of flowers […]

Gardening With Flower Boxes: A Hobby of Fun and Passion

There are times in our lives that we want the world to turn quicker and the time to tick faster. Especially when boredom strikes while spending a day or two at home during time off and that you have nothing in mind to do something interesting. Spending the rest of the day resting and sleeping […]

Gardening With Window Boxes: The Secret to Nature’s Revival

We know that global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere that causes climatic changes which brings ecological imbalance. To address this alarming concern, the world calls the need for green living. We are encouraged to minimize the use of plastic materials or products, dispose our garbage properly and not […]

Plant Stands – Excellent Way to Show Off Your Beautiful Plants

Plants and flowers are essential to man’s existence as they serve an ample number of purposes. Aside from its biological significance, it can be used as decorative ornaments to add charm and comfort to every area where it is being grown and displayed. Such timeless adornment would look even more visible and stunning if complemented […]

Plant Stand – Decorative Touch in Housing Vegetation

Garden enthusiasts have reserved certain place in their houses where a garden can thrive beautifully and can realize its significance to their lives. Some people believe that blooming flowers can ease and calm their raging emotions brought by anxiety and tension. A well done-garden can also rejuvenate the aging mind and body. However, there are […]