More About the Author "artfulplanters"

Author Nick: artfulplanters
Name: Carlo Mamar
About the Author: I am a content Writer online

Articles by artfulplanters :

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Artificial Ivy- Practical Gift for your Dad on this Fathers’ Day

The advent of technology has made life simple and fulfilling, in fact people are experiencing ultimate satisfaction as they constantly enjoy the bliss of these developments. More than that, every task that were once difficult could now be done in an instance, without exerting much energy and time. Indeed, the new era have blessed countless […]

Fire Retardant Plants – A Functional In Home Decor

Should you wish to enhance your home and have insufficient budget, using indoor artificial trees and plant is a great choice. The primary reason as to why it is very popular to many customers is mainly because of their UV protection feature that is included in these artificial plants, which makes them perfect for indoor […]

Innovative Plant Ornaments

The new era opens many sophisticated and advanced technology in place. There even are places that plants are showcased not in pots but in a flat screen plasma television. Can you imagine how dull a place can be without any plants, even just as ornaments? It is part of being human to enjoy the scenery […]

Large Outdoor Planter

A beautiful garden with many plants and flowers makes the ambiance relaxing- but then do we really have to be in a garden to enjoy and feel that ambiance? Architects and interior decorators have always included planters and vases in their designs. Whether residential or for business establishments, it has always added vigor and glamour […]

Rustic Barn Lights -Ideal Stylish Exterior Commercial Lighting

Most designers have widely recognized the importance of antique barn light fixtures for its rustic effect and appeal. More than that, various antique shops and retail stores have been encouraged to sell such lighting fixtures for its popularity in the current market these days. In addition, most manufacturers of vintage barn lights have been inspired […]