More About the Author "Articles Submissions"

Author Nick: Articles Submissions
Name: Carla Jiroux Kaplan
About the Author: Carla Kaplan is a writer and researcher on various fields, such as, health and auto insurance, health products, and others.

Articles by Articles Submissions :

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Figuring Out Exchange Backup Files When Owning a Small Business

The size of your business might matter in some situations, but it won’t matter in how you create Exchange backup files. Everyone of all sizes faces unique challenges when trying to back up, restore, search, and migrate any Exchange database file. Sometimes the solution or overall challenge becomes extremely expensive. The other problem is it […]

Can You Run an Exchange Backup Offsite?

The key to running any kind of backup on your server is to make sure that not only can you run it from a remote location, but also that the information is stored remotely, too. If you don’t, you may find that whatever destroyed your actual information also destroyed your backup. Having an Exchange backup […]

Can an Exchange Backup Protect Your User Preferences?

When you think of losing the information on your server, the thing that most companies first think about is all of that the data – the documents, the client information, employee files, payroll, and accounting. But, there is a lot more on your Exchange server than that. Any network administrator will tell you that one […]

Should You Have an Exchange Backup?

Deciding whether or not your company should have an Exchange backup is a big of a “no brainer”. There is no reason why, in today’s highly volatile internet world, that you shouldn’t do all you can to secure the data that you have. The number of threats are higher than ever and if you don’t […]

Is It Really Necessary to Have an Exchange Backup?

Your company might not think that it is all that important to have an Exchange backup program in place, but it is perhaps the most important piece of insurance your company will ever have. Few businesses are able to withstand days’ worth of downtime, let alone weeks at a time, and by having a backup […]