More About the Author "asdmap01"

Author Nick: asdmap01
Name: Helen Kine
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The Nike Style Survival Mode

Being a legendary character, Phil Knight established Nike Company in 1972, which was rapidly forged into a leading brand among sporting products industry all over the world. What is more important is that Knight carried out the mode of “asset-light strategy” in 1980s, which has became a mainstream business model in global sporting goods business […]

How to Run Successful

According to Beijing Youth Daily reported that in the morning run, and some people due to be intended anxious, suddenly stopped urinating, the results of dizziness, individuals and even shock. This phenomenon is known as gravitational shock. The reason is the transient cerebral ischemia. While running the lower limb muscles tense contraction to relax, a […]

Nike+ new products are produced for train

With the development of iPhone3GS, Nike also catch the chance and cooperate with Apple and announce new Nike+. Nike announced that they will push out two styles of Nike+ new products, one is designed for basketball athletes, the other is used for everyday’s train. Since the year of 2006, Nike firstly push out product for […]