More About the Author "ashleykjackiem199"

Author Nick: ashleykjackiem199

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Understanding Search Engine Marketing In Brief

Search results rankings are important since they drive a lot of traffic to your website. The majority of new visitors for most websites come from Google and the other major search engines. People find you because they’re trying to find something, and your site emerged in the search results. So while you can purchase pay-per-click […]

SEO As an Ongoing Process for Ranking Your Site

Even if you conduct a perfect SEO strategy for your website, that’s not good enough. Just because your site ranks high today doesn’t mean that it’ll rank quite as high tomorrow. In fact, given the changing nature of the Web and the constant influx of new websites, chances are your ranking will start to slide […]

Brief About World Wide Web and Internet

As people begin to write not only the histories of the Internet and the World Wide Web but also the histories of academic study of the Internet and the World Wide Web, so they begin to discern patterns, phases, hot topics and fads. There is a useful summary of the ways of thinking about the […]

Google As the King of Online Search-Ad Industry

Today Google could command millions of dollars for ads on its home page. But that would distract you from the task at hand. Searching. In fact, Google recently went a couple steps further. First, in September 2009, it made the search box bigger. Then, a few months later, it removed everything but the box, logo, […]

Cloud Computing The God

If a business wants to survive, it must be able to adapt. We can say that flexibility is the name of the game. If you can’t meet the changes happening in the marketplace, then you are putting yourself at a loss. Being able to work anywhere, at any time, is now a must for most […]