More About the Author "asiabiz"

Author Nick: asiabiz
Name: Diane Paz
About the Author: SEO Professional

Articles by asiabiz :

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About Rikvin’s Affordable Secretary Services

A company secretary is not an ordinary position in the company; in fact, it is one of the most decisive positions in whatever business establishments. And for that reason, there are various attributes required for a secretary to become successful in each task. The tasks that a secretary usually works on are not like those […]

The Singapore Company Registrar’s Function

As Singapore encourages foreign investment and has made incorporation of companies so attractive with low tax rates, they have also striven to make the registration process clear and straightforward. Much of the information about the role of the Singapore Company Registrar as performed by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority can be found at their […]

How Do I Form a Singapore Sole Proprietor?

A Singapore Sole Proprietor a type of entrepreneur who manages business on his own. He is the one who has the decisive authority and responsibility for all assets and liabilities belonging to the business. Singapore citizens or permanent residents; holders of Employment Pass, EntrePass or Dependant’s Pass may register a Sole Proprietorship. Foreigner individuals and […]

How Do I Register a Singapore Company?

Most companies in Singapore are registered as private limited liability companies (commonly known as private limited companies). A private limited company in Singapore is a separate legal entity and shareholders are not liable for the company’s debts beyond the amount of share capital they have contributed (hence the term limited liability). According to Singapore Companies […]

Singapore Company Setup FAQS

For entrepreneurs who are planning to start a Singapore company, the process of business registration is relatively easy particularly if they have already secured certain documents that are required by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). Meanwhile, these are the most important things entrepreneurs have to consider before they register a Singapore company (or […]