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Author Nick: astirl

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Fingerprint lock Selection Guide

Fingerprint has been developed in China for ten years, if you say a few years ago, I do not recommend you do this kind of product, but now say, but I fully support your idea. In recent years, especially from last year, 2008, fingerprint lock is the speed began development and popularization of the domestic […]

How to buy an access control keypad

An access control keypad is a pivotal piece of equipment in any access control system. Keypads are used to restrict and record access to any room, vault, safe, or other area where you don’t permit unauthorized entry. Rather than simply locking a door or installing a security chain, the keypad serves as a protective device […]

How to choose the fingerprint lock

Optional Fingerprint Standard Standard 1: Is there a ANSI certified 2005 Fingerprint really introduced to China from the United States. Was the first U.S. high-end fingerprint lock brands and Fortune 500 companies Gill Ingersoll Rand led a high-end fingerprint lock market. Therefore, the general quality and reliable fingerprint lock, must be the highest quality level […]

The Fingerprint Lock Classification

Under: Security Performance Performance under the anti-theft division, divided into general popular fingerprint lock and security fingerprint lock categories. Ordinary lock, electronic lock with the original small differences, mainly use fingerprint authentication, but the barrier for existing domestic security doors, this type of fingerprint lock bar hook parts without earth, heaven and earth can not […]

The Fingerprint lock core technology

Fingerprint recognition rate to be improved, mainly as part of the people can not use the lock, usually 1% -5% of people can not use the lock, or require multiple recognition to be adopted. If the fingerprint lock can do more than 98% of people can be easy to use, it is pretty well. Any […]