More About the Author "ayntravis"

Author Nick: ayntravis
Name: Ayn Travis
About the Author: Author

Articles by ayntravis :

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3 Points to Consider for More Affordable Long Term Care Costs

Many Americans doubt the effectiveness and true worth of LTC insurance policies because some of them find the expensive long term care costs to be unreasonable and impractical, particularly nowadays that the prices of some major commodities and necessities incessantly soar higher. This makes it even more difficult to convince the public to prioritize and […]

Possible Consequences of Not Owning Long Term Care Insurance Plans

The public is now aware of the numerous perks and benefits that they can get from owning a long term care insurance policy but still, the government feels that there is still a need for more vigorous and widespread campaign to further promote the importance of such insurance plans and to encourage more Americans to […]

Why and Who Should Buy Long Term Care Insurance Plans

Because of the different issues that come with purchasing an LTC insurance plan, some people tend to doubt and have a hesitant inkling on who should buy long term care insurance plans. And maybe because of the fact that majority of the public is not yet well accustomed to the basics of LTC policies, they […]