More About the Author "balue"

Author Nick: balue
Name: balue lee
About the Author: I love movies.

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Who will benefit by Microsoft’ demise

If Microsoft and Microsoft sale is disappeared some day, who will be the beneficiary? We will think of Apple and Google firstly. But leaving without Microsoft to provide a middle road, we might see an all-out war break out between them. Because they have two very different philosophies that are Apple’s policies of extreme lockdown […]

Some Rumors about the Release Date of Window 8

There are many versions of the release date of Windows sale 8 since it was exposed. The release date of Windows 8 operating system, which is eagerly anticipated by all Windows users and fans from around the world, is expected to be somewhere around Autumn 2012, which is still quite a long way away. While […]

We don’t want to live in a world without Microsoft

I don’t want to live in a world in moving off of Microsoft sale, what about you? Last week, I wrote about the “post-PC world” that is the current vision of choice for many tech pundits. Some conversations I’ve overheard recently suggest that some people believe it goes further than that; they suggest that we’re […]

MS Windows 7 sale figures may point to slowing PC market

Big numbers always make for splashy graphics and hot headlines. And there is no better company than Microsoft, with the possible exception of Apple, at using ‘big numbers’ as a weapon. Yesterday’s keynote at the company’s Worldwide Partner Conference was a perfect example: 400 million Windows 7 sale licenses sold! 100 million Microsoft Office discount 2010 licenses sold! The list went […]

Mac sales succeed while PC sales stagnate

The latest NPD numbers regarding PC sales which use the Windows sale operating system seem to confirm the cause of the recent downgrade of Microsoft’s stock. For the month of July, PC sales advanced a mere 4% on the year ago quarter. In comparison, Mac sales went up 26% in the same timeframe. Earlier today, Microsoft was stuck […]