More About the Author "bankruptcyonly101"

Author Nick: bankruptcyonly101
Name: parth shah
About the Author: hi i'm parth.

Articles by bankruptcyonly101 :

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Get Updated On Personal Bankruptcy Information and Ensure You Are Freedom from Debt

Chapter 13 bankruptcy laws help people repay a part or all of their debts across a period of time at lower interest rates. Federal bankruptcy allows an individual to file chapter 7 bankruptcies or chapter 13 bankruptcy. However, the difference between the two is that under chapter 7 bankruptcy a trustee is appointed to pay […]

A Comprehensive Description of Home Affordable Refinancing, a Federal Loan Modification Program

The Federal loan modification program was introduced by the Obama administration with an intention to rescue millions of people from the clutches of debt and foreclosure. The loan modification help was intended for those people who had taken the first mortgage loan for their homes on the ground that they had a stable enough financial […]

Online Personal & Business Bankruptcy Help

The developing advancements and the internet have made everything easy, simple, and convenient. The same is the case with filing Bankruptcy process. Now, you can just by sitting back at home PC, can gain the expert advice. Not only the advice but you can even get the professionals who will file the petition for Bankruptcy, […]

Bank of America Loan Modification: Approval Tips And Techniques

Need to get assured help under the Obama Loan Modification Program to save your home from foreclosure? Well then you have come to the right place. Here are some basic tips and advice that would help you to complete the application procedure in no time and at the same time also ensure that you don’t […]

How Can You Benefit From Obama Mortgage Refinancing Stimulus Plan!

Obama stimulus plan helps the homeowners to reduce their monthly mortgage and save their home from foreclosure proceedings. This plan reduces the interest rate as low as 2% and change the loan length thus favor’s the homeowner. Now mortgage refinancing is easier than it used to be and all credit goes to President Obama mortgage […]