More About the Author "bannerhero"

Author Nick: bannerhero
Name: Banner Hero
About the Author: Web banner design, Landing page design, and more in our web page, visit us!

Articles by bannerhero :

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Flash Banner Design: 10 Ways to Go Straight to the Top

Flash banner design has always been shrouded in controversy. Most marketing companies recommend against using flash banners, however when they’re design is carefully handled by experts they can surpass their static equivalents in terms of both aesthetics and conversions. The following are ten ways to make sure your flash banner design hits the target every […]

Landing Page Design: 10 Tips to Turn Traffic into Conversions

Landing page design is the art of turning traffic into conversions. Of course getting conversions should be the focus of any marketing campaign, however all too often marketers focus their time, money and effort on web banners, PPC, email marketing, etc. and neglect to create a truly impressive landing page design. The following are ten […]

Landing Page Design: Discover the 10 Secrets to Success

Landing page design is not something you can afford to ignore. Though the main focus of your marketing campaign may be generating massive volumes of traffic, it’s your landing page design that will seal the deal. Unfortunately a lot of marketers don’t put in the effort and waste big opportunities. So you don’t make the […]

Flash Banner Design: 10 Ways to Ensure Success

Flash banner design is just about the worst handled element in the whole web design spectrum. All the excitement of moving images and interactivity seem to overwhelm designers and cause them to pump out useless monstrosities at an alarming rate. So in the interest of creating a better world/Internet allow us to present our top […]

Flash Banner Design: The Secrets to Success

Flash banner design is all about putting the customer first. Flash banners are not popular with consumers because most flash banner design willfully ignores their experience. The following are the secrets to flash banner success: 1. Far and away the biggest disadvantage of flash banners is their large file size. Large file sizes load slowly […]