More About the Author "bannerhero"

Author Nick: bannerhero
Name: Banner Hero
About the Author: Web banner design, Landing page design, and more in our web page, visit us!

Articles by bannerhero :

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Landing Page Design: 5 Things to Remember

Landing page design is something that often gets overlooked when marketing campaigns are being planned. The first stage of any online marketing campaign is creating traffic so marketers tend to focus on Google ad words campaigns, web banners, SEO, social media, etc. This is a real mistake because traffic itself isn’t worth a dime. The […]

Flash Banner Design: Five Things to Remember

Flash banner design is a precarious business. Due to their relative sophistication there’s a lot that can go wrong with flash banners. Most Internet marketing companies will recommend static banners, however when the right care is taken flash banners can be just as effective. The following is a list of five things to avoid when […]

Landing Page Design: Start Closing Sales

Landing page design is what really makes the difference between a successful banner or pay-per-click campaign and an expensive waste of time and effort. You can have the most astounding web banner in the world and generate a bucket load of traffic but it won’t be worth a dime if your landing page fails to […]